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和装と日本の伝統文化を愛する方を、歓迎致します。四季のCOOL JAPANな催事を、ご一緒に楽しみましょう。




















一. 着物一式お持ちで、自装でいらっしゃれる方



四.先生のお手伝いが出来る方 (事務・雑用・着装) 














* 着物を装うことを「和装」と言います。皆さんに気持ち良く楽しく参加して頂くため、「和を装う心」を心掛けて下さる方に、正式会員となって頂いております。



* 催しや着物ショーの様子の写真は、ウェブでのクラブ紹介やメディアで使用されることがございますことを、予めご了承下さい。

* 連絡先の変更は迅速にご報告下さい。御自身の報告不備による催し案内不通知は、責任を負いかねます。

* 会員特典や会則は予告無しに改正されることがありますことを、予めご了承下さい。





* 和装道教室:年間12教室の内、最少でも8教室を受講のこと。

* 立ち居振る舞い講座:年間4教室の内、最少でも3教室を受講のこと。


* 会員資格維持の要項を満たさない場合。

* 違法行為、迷惑行為、礼節を欠く行為でクラブの運営に支障を来たす方は、速やかに退会頂きます。

* 催しや着物ショーで着付けて貰った際の、写真の無断商用・営利利用は、固くお断りさせて頂きます。

* 会員ネットワークでビジネスを展開した場合



Thank you very much for your interest to join Washington D.C. Wasō-dō Kimono Club.

Washington D.C. Wasō-dō Kimono Club is founded by Mme. Kuniko Kanawa, a certified Kimono Consultant of All Japan Kimono Consultants Association and formed by her dedicated students. The club's primary purpose is to preserve the refined traditional Japanese culture through Wasō-dō (the way of life to wear and present Kimono, the attire of harmony), and also to share it's art and beauty with the world.

We perform Kimono fashion shows, dressing demonstrations, run workshops, and serve as Kimono attendant at cultural events.

Washington D.C. Wasō-dō Kimono Club welcomes people who love, admire, and respect the beauty of Kimono and Japanese beautiful seasonal culture.

Let's enjoy "COOL JAPAN" events in beautiful Kimono together!

1. Participate in Japanese seasonal cultural events in Kimono, coordinated by Kanawa-sensei.

   The events could be New year celebration, Anime convention Kimono panels, Ohanami, picnic at Japanese garden, Summer festival, Autumn festival, etc.
   Owning a set of Kimono is highly recommended to enjoy a long term Kimono life. You can find many reasonable used Kimonos today, surprisingly starting from only

   $10! Sensei will be happy to advise you where and what to exactly purchase.
  Please feel free to bring your camera to take beautiful pictures. (Events photos may be used for the purpose to introduce our Club)

2. Kimono rental is free to members at the class for practice usage. Members can also attend irregular sensei's lesson (self dressing class or lectures) at either   

    discounted price or free.

3. Participate in Ms. Mrs. Mr. Washington D.C. Wasō-dō Kimono Club Contest.

4. Able to receive free consultation when you are looking for a new Kimono or related accessories, and for coordinating appropriate set of Kimono for attending events.

5. Participate in Kimono fashion shows / dressing demonstrations as a model, coordinated by Kanawa-sensei in the region of Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia and


[ Models will be selected among those of you who agree to the followings ]
* Simply passionate for wearing Kimono and have fun on the stage, as most events are not able to afford paying amateur models. Some events may provide a parking

   space and meal.
* Being photographed or video graphed by the club, public event venues, and often by media.
* Match the theme of the show and the size of the Kimono.
* Have your own transportation.
* Humbly understand that participating Kimono fashion show is not only to have fun on stage and to get to show what you have been practicing at the class, but also "a

   precious opportunity to learn deeper and further about authentic Kimono culture" outside of the class room.
  Please be thoughtful that Sensei spends time to coordinate your set of Kimono while you are not yet fully ready to do so yourself.
  Please be responsible for your standard social manner, such as timely manner, confirming the details of event announcement and so on.

[ You will be put in a priority list to be selected as a model if ]
- you have your own set of Kimono and can show up being dressed properly
- you have your own full set of Kimono though you can not dress yourself
- you have Tabi, Susoyoke, Hada-juban which directly touches your skin

1. To be able to properly dress yourself a Yukata (Casual Summer Kimono). Improper dressing is not accepted. Attending minimum of four Wasō-dō Kimono classes to 

   learn proper Yukata dressing, minimum of two Kimono in Motion Decorum classes are required, to pass tests below to apply the membership.
   (Mastering speed varies depending on your learning ability therefore it may take longer than four classes.)

-Front terminology
-Back terminology
-Set of Yukata terminology
-Dressing terminology
-Tying Hanhaba-obi terminology
-Folding Kimono

-Four levels of bows

-Hou-Ren-Sou-Kaku: four basic tips on considerate communication

2. Understanding that becoming a member is to stand at the start line to begin entering the path into "Wasō-dō", the way of life to wear and present Kimono, the attire

    of harmony. By applying the membership, you understand that this club is for those who wish to strengthen and deepen the study of "Wasō-dō" to truly enjoy it in

    authentic way and to present the beauty of Kimono culture.


* Wearing Kimono is called "Wasō". ("Wa" means "Japanese style", and "harmony". "Sou" means "to wear".) To become an official member of Washington D.C.

   Wasō-dōKimono Club, please be mindful of the "heart of wearing harmony".
1. Harmonize with Nature surroundings
2. Harmonize with social surrounding
3. Harmonize with yourself (aligning your spirit, disciplining, being responsible)
4. Respect and appreciate traditional Japanese custom established by Japanese ancestors
5. Respect and follow "Rei" (Japanese manners / courtesy / decorum)
* The event photos may be used to introduce our activity on the website or by the media.
* Please note that the agreement may be amended without prior notice.

It is free to register.


* Attending minimum of eight [ Monthly Waso-do Kimono class ] annually, to maintain your dressing skill.
* Attending minimum of three [ Kimono in Motion Decorum class ] annually, to maintain your graceful Kimono movements and related decorum.

* You will be removed from our member list when not fulfilling the class attendances described above.
* If you take illegal act or cause any troubles to our club's operation, you will immediately be withdrawn from the club.
* Using the event/Kimono fashion show photos for your business/profit purposes without Sensei's permission, especially when fully dressed by Sensei.
* Expanding the business using WDC Kimono club's network.

Your privacy is very important to Washington D.C. Kimono Club.
We collect your information only for the purpose to run the Club. We securely store your personal information and will not be provided to any third parties.

WDC和装道着物クラブ WDC Waso-do Kimono Club
催しのお知らせ Event Announcement

平成30年 新年会と和装コンテスト   New Year Gathering with Kimono Contest    January, 2018

これまでの催し Past Events


2018年~ 多忙の為、追々掲載致します


秋着物ファッションショー 米国立樹木園・秋祭り   Autumn Kimono Fashion Show at U.S. National Arboretum Aki-matsuri

WDC着物クラブの集いin Japan   WDC Kimono Club's gathering in Japan

蓮と水連祭り 夏着物ファッションショー Lotus and Water Lily Festival Summer Kimono Fashion Show at Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens

恵光寺 お盆祭り夏物着物ファッションショー Ekoji Obon Festival Summer Kimono Fashion Show

お花見  Ohanami Cherry Blossom Viewing Lunch  

桜まつり 春着物と神職装束ファッションショー・着装デモ  Spring Kimono & Shinto Priestess Kimono Fashion Show/Dressing Demonstration at Sakura-matsuri   4/8

新年会&Mr./Ms. WDC着物クラブ・コンテスト@寿司園      Shin-nen-kai (New Year Gathering) at Sushi Sono


米国立樹木園・秋祭り着物ファッションショー  Aki-matsuri Kimono Fashion Show at U.S. Arboretum

涼しい小川で願いの積み石&日本のカキ氷     River Rock Building & Japanese Shave Ice

恵光寺 お盆祭り夏物着物ファッションショー Ekoji Obon Festival Summer Kimono Fashion Show

ワールド・盆栽・デー 和装でグリーティング  Hosting World Bonsai Day at U. S. National Arboretum

全米桜祭り着物ファッションショー・着装デモンストレーション  Sakura Matsuri Kimono Fashion Show / Dressing Demonstration

タイダルベイスンでお花見      Ohanami at Tidal Basin

ストラスモア・マンション 着物の歴史講義、春着物ファッションショー、着装デモ   Kimono history lecture, Spring Kimono Fashion Show with dressing demonstration at The Mansion at Strathmore

新年会&ミスWDC着物クラブ・コンテスト@抹茶タイムかふぇ      Shin-nen-kai (New Year Gathering) at Matcha Time Cafe




歴史的廃墟ツアー&涼しい小川で願いの積み石&日本のカキ氷  Historic Ruins Tour & River Rock Building & Japanese Shave Ice

恵光寺 お盆祭り夏物着物ファッションショー Ekoji Obon Festival Summer Kimono Fashion Show

FCCLA 着物ファッションショー・着装デモンストレーション   FCCLA Kimono Fashion Show / Dressing Demonstration

全米桜祭り着物ファッションショー・着装デモンストレーション  Sakura Matsuri Kimono Fashion Show / Dressing Demonstration

T-Mode 着物ファッションショー・着装デモンストレーション T-Mode Kimono Fashion Show / Dressing Demonstration




秋の日本庭園散策 & 寿司ビュッフェ会食   Japanese Garden Walk in Autumn & Sushi Buffet Dinner  

カキ氷@ミュージック・フェス   Japanese Shaved Ice @ Music Festa in Ellicott City

米国立樹木園・盆栽巡り   National Arboretum Bonsai Garden Visiting

全米桜祭り着物ファッションショー・着付けデモンストレーション Sakura Matsuri Kimono Fashion Show/ Dressing Demonstration




9月14日 恵光寺でお月見(日米協会&恵光寺主催) Otsukimi (Moon Viewing) at Ekoji Temple (hosted by Ekoji & JASWDC) 

8月1日 太鼓座観賞とポットラック屋外ランチ  Taikoza Performance & out door lunch

7月13日 恵光寺のお盆祭りでの集い&クラブ紹介   Obon festival at Ekoji Temple: Gathering and Introducing the club

6月23日 日本庭園で夕涼み & 寿司ビュッフェ会食  Japanese Garden Walk & Sushi Buffet Dinner  

Atelier Kanawa
P.O. Box 21 Butler, Maryland 21023 U.S.A.   

TEL (410) 963-3961  * Please leave a voice message, as we are unable to answer during middle of the class, service, ceremony, commuting. 
© 2012 Atelier Kanawa All Rights Reserved.

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