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月一生徒-$75/回 (1時間30分)

全ての初回生徒・不定期・単発生徒-$95/回 (1時間30分)



稽古場: 当アトリエの青空教室/森のキャビン屋内教室、またはSkypeビデオ





* 講師と一対一の丁寧・細やかな指導

* ご都合の良い日時に受講頂けます

* 受講者の理解度・速度に合わせて進行されます

* プライバシーを守れます(団体講話は他の受講者がおります)





活コン、オタコン、アニメUSA、T-Mode、Zenkaikon など




和装を習うのが初めての方は、基本の浴衣を習得されることが必修です。浴衣は夏のカジュアルな着物で、湯上りや夏祭りで装います。襟ぐりの開いたVネックシャツと、滑る素材のスパッツを下ごしらえとしてご準備下さい。髪が長い方は、必ず結んでご出席下さい。アクセサリーはお外し下さい。 ご自身の浴衣セット一式をお持ち頂いても、レンタル($18)頂いても構いません。レンタルなさる生徒さんは、清潔・無臭でご出席下さい。お稽古の後日に宿題写真をメールで提出頂きますと、一通の批評メールを差し上げます。(提出期日は、翌月のお稽古3日前まで)







Welcome to Wasō-dō Kimono Class.
In this class, you learn Kimono beyond just a fashion and kitsuke dressing.
You learn Wasō-dō, a way of life to embody the beautiful Japanese harmony when dressed in Kimono.


[ Monthly Private Class (1.5 hours per lesson) ]

DATE & TIME: Discuss your availability with sensei in a timely manner, as early as one month before your preferable date.
* Please show up on time for a class. Please inform sensei in advance if you plan to arrive late.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: 10 days before your preferable date
* To reserve your slot, please send your class fee through PayPal
* $5 late fee applies when you pass the deadline.
* Cancellation fee applies after the pre-pay deadline. Rescheduling can be accepted for the absolute emergency reason only.​

PLACE: Atelier Kanawa's studio (Outdoor/Indoor) or Skype video 


$75 per lesson (1.5hours) - Monthly student

$95 per lesson (1.5hours) - First class for everyone & irregular student

* Additional $5 for online class

Both female and male students start with Ume-gumi introductory level for Yukata dressing, you will further learn a wide and deep range of Wasō-dō Kimono by academic lecture, practical lecture, and tests.
You will be qualified to enroll in Kimono in Motion Decorum Workshop, after mastering the yukata dressing.



* You will receive full attention from sensei​

* You can choose your convenient slot based on your availability​

* The class proceeds according to your understanding pace​

* You can protect your privacy in a private class setting​



[ Washington D.C. : Monthly Group Class (3 hours per lesson) ]   * Currently shifted to Atelier Kanawa studio 

Japan America Society of Washington D.C. : 2012 ~ 2018

National Go Center: 2019~

[ Anime & Japanese theme Conventions : Basic Yukata Class with Kimono Decorum segment ]


​​Wafuku (Kimono) is a traditional Japanese attire, which has been formed by harmonizing with nature and social surroundings throughout Japanese history. Wa means “to harmonize”, Fuku means “clothing”. Therefore, Wafuku (official term of Kimono) is the attire of harmony. When wearing a kimono, one becomes a living sculpture. This is why the kimono is very much praised worldwide not only because of remarkably refined artisan’s techniques to dye and weave Kimono, but definitely also for its beauty and gracefulness in ones spirituality, motion, and decorum. In this class, all of these in depth are taught, which called Wasō-dō (Kimono way of life).

This quality class offers beyond Kitsuke (putting on Kimono) and enriches your Wasō-dō (Kimono way of life) in harmony, with elegant decorum based on genuine traditional Japanese spirituality. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to attend and study Wasō-dō (Kimono way of life).

The first time kimono learner will begin mastering yukata, the most fundamental kimono. Yukata is a casual summer kimono worn after taking a bath or at summer festivals. Please wear a V-neck top, slippery spandex pants and have your hair up for the class. Please remove jewelries. You can either bring your own set of kimono or rent one by requesting in advance. Please come clean and scentless if you rent a set of Kimono. The class includes one follow up e-mail evaluation to your homework photos. Photo submission deadline is three days before the next month’s class.


Students are welcome to register with Washington D.C. Kimono Club after mastering yukata through four classes minimum, passing various fundamental tests, and attending minimum of two Kimono in Motion class. Members can participate in the club’s seasonal & cultural events, as well as modeling at Sensei’s Kimono Fashion Shows, to enjoy and pursue further Wasō-dō (kimono way of life).

**Cancellation/rescheduling can be made by the class reservation deadline. Refunds will not be given to cancellations or no shows after this date. Your credit can be used up to one month from the day for the class, only if the reason of the absence is an emergency.

Atelier Kanawa currently does not train or certify Kimono professionals regardless the refined quality class materials. Please be aware of the ones who may state to be my former short term students falsely titling themselves as a Kimono dresser/seller, while they are completely beginner level amateur and unable to take the responsibility with their dressing skill, knowledge, and Kimono decorum. Without official certification by professional training course and passing the examinations, it is not allowed to title oneself a Kimono dresser/Kimono Consultant to represent the heritage. Our only official assistant dressers are our current Matsu-gumi rank senior students. 


Thank you very much for your sincere understanding for what it takes to preserve the quality of "way of life" traditional Japanese culture, and your support to properly and respectfully passed it on from our ancestors to future generations. Our heritage shouldn’t be harmed by amateurs’ ego for desiring their own personal fame, but must be preserved by skillful humble professionals and our dedicated students.

Atelier Kanawa
P.O. Box 21 Butler, Maryland 21023 U.S.A.   

TEL (410) 963-3961  * Please leave a voice message, as we are unable to answer during middle of the class, service, ceremony, commuting. 
© 2012 Atelier Kanawa All Rights Reserved.

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