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アトリエ奏和:着物コンサルテーション Atelier Kanawa Kimono Consultation
アトリエ奏和:着物コンサルテーション Atelier Kanawa Kimono Consultation
アトリエ奏和:着物コンサルテーション Atelier Kanawa Kimono Consultation




* 今手元にある着物の名称と、それがどのような格で、いつどこに着て行けるのか知りたい。

* 人前に着て行く際に適切なコーディネートが分からない。御無礼の無いよう、TPOに則した合わせ方を知りたい。

* 手持ちの着物また小物類で、何が足りないのか分からない。何を追加で揃えるべきか?

* 海外からも注文できる、役立つ着物店を知りたい。

* 保管しているアンティーク着物について何も分からないので、詳細を知りたい。


Please feel free to inquire for your Kimono questions such as blow, to receive Kimono professional advice.

Consultation starts from $25 for 30 minutes over the phone. $25 for every additional 30 minutes.

* I would like to figure out for what I own, and where and when I can wear them for.

* I would like to know a proper Kimono coordination based on season, place, and occasion, among what I own.

* I don't know what accessories I am missing in order to complete my appropriate Kimono coordination.

* I would like good suggestions for the useful Kimono stores.

* I would like to figure out the details about my antique Kimono.

Atelier Kanawa
P.O. Box 21 Butler, Maryland 21023 U.S.A.   

TEL (410) 963-3961  * Please leave a voice message, as we are unable to answer during middle of the class, service, ceremony, commuting. 
© 2012 Atelier Kanawa All Rights Reserved.

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