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授与品 Amulets


Rev. Kanawa wholeheartedly handcrafts everything. Your order may take up to five days to complete while some stocks may be available depending on the amulet. Early request is highly recommended.

Most amulets are functional for one year, six months or during new year, depending on the amulet. Renewing them after the functional period is the traditional custom by 常若 Tokowaka spirituality.

Click Hatsuho (picture above) to offer Hatsuho-ryō through PayPal.
Send total with item name. Shipping cost will be invoiced later accordingly.

神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine 破魔矢  Hamaya Protective Charm/Amulet

令和5年版 2023 version

アメリカ産 注連縄お守り: 神奈備万有乃杜にて収穫の稲藁 $35   数量限定 Organically Grown Rice Straw Shimenawa Amulet $35 Limited Offer

↑ 令和4年分は授与終了 2022 Version: SOLD OUT

神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine 茅の輪お守り Chinowa amulet
​神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine ミニ絵馬 Ema wooden wishing plaque
御朱印 基本形 Standard Go-Shuin
神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine 御朱印 七五三 753 Go-Shuin
神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine 桜の根付御守り Sakura Omamori Amulet
神奈備万有乃杜 Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine 梅の花の根付御守り Ume Blossom Omamori Amulet
ミニ門松(かどまつ)$35~ Small indoor Kadomatsu $35~
注連飾り(しめかざり) $44~ Shime-kazari $44~
アマビエ木札お守り Yōkai Amabie Amulet

​​御神札/神璽 $25 神使の墨絵追加 +$15


Ofuda $25   Adding divine messenger hand drawing calligraphy $15

Ofuda is a symbol for the divided spirit(s) of the shrine's Kami to dwell. The Kami's essence and mighty power is infuesed by the infusing ritual. Ofuda functions as a talisman as well as a medium in which the worshiper can access to kami. 御神札 Odufa is for indoor private Kamidana only.

This Ofuda is currently offered for those who are private shrine visitors and students of Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine after completing Kamidana + daily prayer Norito class.

Any 宮形 Miyagata shrine buildings or Kamidana installing a regular Ofuda which can be obtained by any laypeople from 社頭授与所 offering counter at the front of the shrine or by shipping, or Dōjō’s 神璽 Shinji is a private Kamidana among the household/group, whether located indoors or outdoors. These can not be operated as a public shrine, titled as “Jinja” or categorized as a religious center, as there is no official permission/divine body/Kanjo-fuda is at presence.


守護札 $25 神使の墨絵追加 +$15


Shugofuda $25   Adding divine messenger hand drawing calligraphy $15

Handcrafted Gofu by calligraphy of our divine messenger Hidaka lineage color Kishu dog, an descendant of Ooguchi-Makami Japanese wolf Kami, other particular Kami's name of Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine or certain wish. For Indoor private Kamidana only.

荒神札 $25





Kōjin-fuda $25

Homusubi-no-kami is who ignites/delivers fire. This Kensaki-fuda is to install where you handle fire, such as your kitchen, fireplace, or your fire related workplace.

Fire has been closely important to mankind ever since our ancestors discovered the usage of fire. Fire brings us blessings, or destruction if we misuse it. Therefore Japanese has been treating and handling fire with awe, appreciation and caution. 

Go-Shintoku: Blessings of the fire usage,  blacksmith, pottery, fire fighting, fire prevention, fire protection, purification

産土神 神籬式 御神札 $40  *海外在住者のみ


* 外国でお産まれ/お暮しの地域に、古代から先住/土着の神様がお祀りされている場合は、そちらを主に崇敬なさることをお勧め申し上げます。​

* また当杜でお祀りしていない特定の神様の御神札を要する方は、別途ご相談下さい。

Ubusuna-no-kami Himorogi style Ofuda of Your Birth/Living Foreign Land $40

Ubusuna-no-kami is a great guardian Kami of one's birth/living land. This Kami dwells every land on this planet throughout the Earth.

This Himorogi style Odufa is specially made available for those who would like to set up home Kamidana and worship Shintō, yet unable to travel to Japan to obtain/renew Ofuda, or shrines not shipping overseas. The Ofuda will include the name of your region by the calligraphy.
It is Rev. Kanawa's profound wish to encourage and support those who are sincere foreigners to appreciate/respect their own birth/living land through daily Kamidana visit/prayer in
awe, and live well to take a part in constructing a healthy society in your own region.​ That may contribute to global peacebuilding, as living in a noble Ko-Shintō/Shintō spirituality. (All ofuda will be issued under the Ofuda agreement policy: for home private Kamidana only,
after completing Kamidana + daily prayer Norito class.)

Go-Shintoku: Lifelong protections/blessings of you, your family, and all living things in the region

Remarks: If your region historically has the indigenous deity, you shall worship him/her as a primary deity.


* Only those who have the following reasons and in need of Ofuda of a particular Kami not enshrined at our shrine, you may consult to be considered for a Himorogi style Ofuda under the agreement policy. 

- My current Ofuda aged, and it is time to renew it
- I am unable to obtain the same Ofuda to be shipped from Japan
- I am unable to travel to Japan
- I would like to worship OOO-Kami to receive particular blessings

- I will complete Kamidana + daily prayer Norito class to respect/follow the genuine traditional prayer decorum

Please note that the custom of obtaining (particular kami's) Ofuda is at the shrine (in Japan) which enshrines that Kami. However, by courtesy, it can be handcrafted by clergies based on the historical/traditional logic of Ofuda used to be handmade by clergies one by one, like Ko-Shintō clergies call down/release Kami each time when conducting the ceremony.





Kushifuda $20

Hand drawn amulet slid in between a bamboo stick, to ward off misfortunes.

Usually offered during Setsubun season.


厄除け・魔除けの神具で、その年の幸運を射止める縁起物でもあります。神棚や目線よりも高い明るく清らかな所にお祀りし、矢の先は鬼門・裏鬼門、または卯年(2023年)は対極する酉の方角=西 (270度)に向けて下さい。

Hamaya Protective Arrow Charm/Amulet $25

A decorative "demon-breaking arrow" to ward off misfortune and to capture good luck. Display at Kamidana or where it is clean and higher than your eye level at the corner of Kimon (Northeast) or Ura-Kimon (Southwest), which are particularly susceptible to evil influences. Opposite from 2023’s Rabbit year’s direction which is the direction of Rooster (West) is also good to display Hamaya's tip.

木札お守り$20(小), $25(大)




Ki-fuda Wooden Plate Amulet $20(small), $25(large)

Drawn with hand calligraphy by Rev. Kanawa. Accepting custom orders as well. 

- Divine messengers of Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine

- Zodiac




木菟 (ツク=ミミズク)ー日本神話にも、梟が神使である描写があります。仁徳天皇の誕生に際し、木菟 (ツク=ミミズク)が産殿に飛び込んで来ました。天からの此の吉兆により、ミミズクは霊魂を運ぶ・案内する神使と敬われています。


Natural Wooden Disc Ki-fuda Amulet of Annual Growth Rings $20

Hand calligraphy of divine messengers in Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine or zodiac can be drawn by Rev. Kanawa, on a natural wooden disc of beautiful annual growth rings. Accepting custom orders as well.

Go-riyaku Good Fortune of owl amulet: Return to nature, Spirit guide, Fortune coming, No hardships, Age happily

菟 Japanese Horned Owl - Based on Japanese mythology, horned Owl are portrayed as divine messenger, as the one flew into the birth delivery room when Nintoku-ten'nō emperor was being born. For this omen/sign from the sky, Japanese horned owls are believed to deliver / guide souls.
Great Horned Owl - Ability of acute hearing to collect information, Wide and detailed observance, Attracting a mate, Act in near silence to take their prey by surprise, Achieve goal in silence, Deliver messages in wide range
Barred Owl - Strong protection from misfortune/evils/distortions/Yaku-doshi misfortune year, Maintaining personal boundaries, Self-respect.

Go-riyaku Good Fortune of rabbit amulet: Happiness and safety of family, Grow rapidly by big leaps and bounds, Challenge, Economy improvement/recovery

アメリカ産 注連縄お守り:当杜にて収穫の稲藁 $39 (+$5 御幣)  数量限定 !米国内発送のみ!






Organically Grown Rice Straw Shimenawa Amulet $39 (+$5 for adding Zigzag paper)

* Limited offer/U.S. shipping only

In order to offer these special rare omamori, Rev. Kanawa worked on every single sacred duty of growing and harvesting rice, conducting Kan'name-sai/Niiname-sai ceremonies to offer the harvested rice and straws to Kami, handcrafting amulets wholeheartedly one by one, and completing with Nyūkon consecration ritual of the Kami's mighty power.

Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine is probably the only shrine you can reverently receive this "one of a kind" special Shimenawa-Omamori grown and produced by Shintō clergy outside of Japan.

All Shimenawa-omamori amulet kinds are wrapped with sacred genuine ramie. Most of them are decorated with the good luck red/white Mizuhiki cords. Single loop ones are firmly thicker and larger than others.

SIZE: diameter of approximately 4 inches or slightly larger

These sacred amulets were produced based on a slogan encouraging the consumption of local seasonal foods for one's health, inseparability of body/mind and geographical circumstances, and offered only once a year.

Display at Kamidana or where it is clean and higher than your eye level at the corner of Kimon (Northeast) or Ura-Kimon (Southwest), which are particularly susceptible to evil influences. Displaying it at the opposite spot from 2023’s Rabbit year’s direction, which is the direction of the Rooster (West), is also good.

Attracts Go-riyaku Good Fortune: Return to nature, naturally generate and evolve, improve fortune, tying good relationships, achieving various wishes, Ward off misfortune/evils/distorted energies, protection from Yaku-doshi misfortune year, Rich harvest



日本産 麻注連縄の巳年お守り $49



​神棚や目線よりも高い明るく清らかな所、または鬼門・裏鬼門・巳年(2025年)に対極する亥 (いのしし) の方角 (北北西) に向けてお祀りして下さい。

ご利益: 変化・再生・復活・立身出世、脱皮の如く一皮剥ける、新たな挑戦へと更なる道が開ける、運気向上、∞の御神徳

 Snake Year Hemp/Ramie Shimenawa Amulet $49

​Inspired by our snake divine messenger, Rev. Kanawa wholeheartedly handcrafted this creative special hemp/ramie shimenawa omamori and completed the Nyūkon consecration ritual of the Kami's mighty power.

​We hope you take this rare opportunity to receive "one of a kind" creative Shimenawa-Omamori of snake outside of Japan, inspired by the real snake divine messenger at Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine.

​Display this omamori at your Kamidana or where it is clean and higher than your eye level at the corner of Kimon (Northeast) or Ura-Kimon (Southwest), which are particularly susceptible to evil influences. Displaying it at the opposite direction (boar: north-northwest) from Snake year, is also good.

Attracts Go-riyaku Good Fortune:

Rebirth, Revitalization, Evolution, Promotion, Remarkable Growth, Positive path opening for new challenges, Fortune improvement, Infinity

Shimenawa functions:
* Sacred boundary between 現世 Utsushi-yo physical world and 幽世 Kakuri-yo spiritual world/sacred sites/shrines.
* Symbol to indicate the divine body itself, or when tied around it or in front of it, such as sacred tree, rocks, etc.
* Ward off evils and misfortunes
* Appreciate and pray for the rich harvest
Mythology history of Shimenawa:
When the Sun goddess Amaterasu-oomikami stepped out from the Ama-no-Iwato cave, Futodama-no-mikoto rapidly placed Shimenawa in front of the cave so that she would never ever be able to hide in the cave.

茅の輪(ちのわ)お守り $20



Chino-wa Omamori Amulet   $20

This amulet originated from Japanese folk tale mythology. Mutou-no-kami who later addressed himself as Susanoo-no-mikoto offered this amulet as an appreciation to Somin-shourai who was poor but greeted him with his sincere hospitality for offering chestnut rice dinner and a place to stay for a night, while his brother Kotan-shourai who was rich but rejected him out of his stinginess. Hanging this amulet at the pelvis, Somin-shourai and his family members were able to avoid plagues for generations and were protected from misfortunes by its spiritual power, while others in the community all died. 

A large version of this amulet ring made of cogon grass (Chigaya) is erected on the pathway leading to a shrine on the days of great purification (Oo-harae). Worshipers at the shrine pass through the ring as an act of purification from misfortune/distortion (magagoto), misdeeds/sins (tsumi), impurities/withered energy (kegare) , to invoke long healthy life without sickness and misfortune.


​ミニ絵馬 $15



Mini Ema $15

Ema (絵馬 "picture-horse") are small wooden plaques with image of horse, zodiac animals or divine messengers for worshipers to write prayer or wish. Its history originated from offering the horse to Shinto shrines as the vehicle of Kami when conducting ceremonies since the 3rd century. As the horse was extremely expensive, people who could not afford the horse substituted with wood, paper or clay to form horses and later they were transferred to a wooden plaque with a picture of a horse since the Nara period (7th century).

The ema are to be left hanging up at the Shinto shrine, where the kami (deities) receive the prayers and wishes by the writers.

御朱印 $10

Go-Shuin $10

For private blessing visitors, Shintō students, and visitors at the large public ceremonies.
Go-Shuin can be purchased as a tribute of visiting Shinto shrines which has the shrine seal stamp, shrine name and visited date by calligraphy.
There are variety of designs from simple to elaborate powerful today, after collecting Go-Shuin became popular among Japanese people these days.


桜の根付 招福お守り$25



Cherry Blossom Amulet Keychain $25

Rev. Kanawa is also an Edo Tsumami Kanzashi artisan and hand makes these amulets rather than using the retailed mass production supplies. The dangling petals and the pretty bell sound invite the fortunes and happiness.

New order may take up to five days to complete. You are most recommended to order at your earliest convenience.

梅の根付 招福お守り$20




Plum Blossom Amulet Keychain $20

Rev. Kanawa is also an Edo Tsumami Kanzashi artisan and hand makes these amulets rather than using the retailed mass production supplies. As the symbol of upcoming spring, this pretty plum blossom with a dangling pretty bell sound invites fortunes and happiness.





Small indoor Kadomatsu bamboo grew at the shrine $35~

A sign for Toshigami-sama (the deity of the New Year) to find your house, and to be temporarily enshrined. A must sacred item to have for New Year.

Hand size and up to 7.5 inch the tallest are available. Please request your preferable size and inquire for pricing.




注連飾り(しめかざり) $44


Shime-kazari $44

A sacred race straw rope for Toshigami-sama (the deity of the New Year) to be enshrined when visiting each household to bring you all the happiness, protections, and prosperity of the year. A must sacred item to have for New Year.

The size is approximately A4.

​​​ニューヨーカーっぽい?アマビエ木札お守り $10





ご利益: 注意喚起、衛生観念の向上と維持、健康祈願、周囲への配慮、悪疫除け





Pandemic Alert Prophecy Yōkai Amabie Amulet   $10

Observing the original drawing of Amabie of Edo period which is now a public domain, Rev. Kanawa hand drew these amulets by Japanese calligraphy on wooden plate. Some are looking like colorful New Yorker Amabie. Amabie crossed the pacific ocean!

These Amabie are drawn to resemble the original drawn in Edo period, which must have been drawn by a person who was not really good at drawing a picture. Thank you for your understanding

Amabie amulets are offered only during Pandemic based on its history.

Attracts Go-riyaku Good Fortune: Pandemic alert, Improvement and maintenance of good hygiene/sanitation, Good health, Caring social surroundings, Avoiding plague

About Yōkai Amabie:

In 1846, Amabie emerged over the ocean in Kumamoto prefecture to deliver the prophecy alert about the upcoming pandemic, therefore it is perceived as a symbol of warding off the plague.

She actually should be perceived more as a Yōkai of delivering the alert message for people to prepare and handle the various matters to get through the pandemic, as there was no written record of Amabie warding off the plague.

* Photograph courtesy of the Main Library, Kyoto University - Amabie

スマートフォン待ち受け・パソコンやタブレットのスクリーンセーバー専用 デジタル護符  $25 


- 日本狼/大口真神の子孫・日高系有色紀州犬
- そのほか当杜の神使 / 神奈備 など

- 形代と形代神事の組み合わせ

 Digital Gofu amulet for Smartphone / Computer / Tablet Screen Saver $25


- Japanese Wolf Ooguchi-makami's descendant Hidaka lineage Color Kishu dog
- Other divine messengers / sacred sites of Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine
- Katashiro paper representation paired with its ritual

形代デジタル護符 Katashiro Digital Gofu Amulet
愛犬用ニホンオオカミ形代デジタル護符 Japanese Wolf Katashiro Digital Gofu Amulet for pet dog



・ ギャラリーのサンプル画像は大幅に縮小され透かしロゴが入っているので、護符としてはお能きを賜れません。

・ ギャラリーには沢山の在庫が不定期で追加されますので、色々お選び頂ければ幸いです。
・ 護符は願い主さまのパソコンまたはタブレットのスクリーンセーバー、携帯電話の待ち受け画像目的の授与となります。
・ 願い主さまの個人用ですので、神様との尊い繋がりを感じて頂き、どうぞ大切に保管下さい。
・ 好みの画角設定をお楽しみ頂くため、殆どの画像サイズはM+Fine寸法(3456x2304)800万画素のまま御引渡し致します。機種ごとに寸法調整することは致して

・ 護符画像の著作権を含むすべての権利権限は、神奈備万有乃杜に帰属します。
・ 営利・非営利に関わらず、SNS、インターネットへの投稿、加工、再配布、譲渡は固く禁じます。
・ 著作権侵害が見受けられました場合は然るべき措置を取りますので、予めご了承下さい。


* The shrine seal and your full legal name will be inserted in this digital Gofu amulet in high resolution, as seen in the first two sample images.

* Katashiro paper doll representation Gofu will be released into a pure clean sacred water flow at the sacred Misogi site, at the very first Misogi after your obtain. Your

  various Magagoto(distortion/evil), Tsumi(sin), Kegare(impurity/withered energy) will be purified and cleansed by this powerful unique ritual.

* Sample images in a gallery are resized quite small with logo watermark, therefore they will not function as Gofu amulet.
* Many more to be added to the gallery from time to time, so please check back regularly.
* Digital Gofu amulets are particularly for smartphone/computer/tablet screen saver only, for personal purpose.

* Please cherish the sacred connection with Kami and treasure it as a personal amulet.
* Most image data will be sent by M + Fine size (dimension: 3456x2304) 8 mega pixels. Size adjustment per device will not be offered, for you to enjoy how you set it on

  your device.
* All the image copyrights belong to Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine.

* It is strictly prohibited to post the original data on SNS, any internet sources, retouch, distribute, and share to any third party. Copyright infringement will

  be handled accordingly.

* If you would like to digitally show others or post on SNS that you are happy with our digital Gofu amulet, you are welcome to use physically a different camera from the

  device installing a Gofu (meaning, no direct screenshot /capture) to take a picture of the whole figure of your smartphone or computer screen.

Atelier Kanawa
P.O. Box 21 Butler, Maryland 21023 U.S.A.   

TEL (410) 963-3961  * Please leave a voice message, as we are unable to answer during middle of the class, service, ceremony, commuting. 
© 2012 Atelier Kanawa All Rights Reserved.

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